Chapter 5: Unstoppable Force (Page 18)
Yeah, winter really is taking a toll on my pace of work but it's actually been a winter that I am handling. It was freezing and we even had a few sprinkles of snow, in Johannesburg, but I was able to keep myself a little bit more warm and functional. Work has been really busy and parenting really picked up the pace with our son getting into the thick of Grade 1 with homework and everything. Still, though, I was able to get to this page and enjoy doing it.
Played with the colouring style, again, and really just took a "throw sh*t at the wall and see what sticks" approach and it worked out really great. I stopped following the rules that YouTube colouring artists put in and just went stupid with it and it worked so well. This is the first page that I've coloured that I actually like the colouring. My previous pages came off bland and dull but this one just has so much life. I really love this page.
One other thing I did was to give the colourist me something to work with. I always did the heavy lifting with inking and produced a page in a way that all the information is in inks but now I decided to leave a lot of work to the colouring, in terms of bringing more clarity. It's a page where I reminded myself that "not all form has to be made in inks - we can leave some work to the colours". A big big biiiig inspiration was the channel I came across for Bad Ink Studios. A video of theirs just inspired me to be stupid about it and have fun, with colouring. It's actually also a message that has been used at lot by ADC Art Attack so it kind of all came together on this page.
Like I've said from the start: This comic serves as a platform for me to explore my art and serves as an artistic journey.