Chapter 5: Unstoppable Force (Page 13 - 17)
Winter is always a season that completely shuts me down. My productivity reduces significantly as my mind redirects all power to keeping me motivated to want to keep participating in life, instead of hiding in the comfort of my bed under the protection of my blankets. The primary concern of my mental faculty is "survival" so any non-essential activity that doesn't directly contribute to my family and I continuing to draw breath on this earth is immediately relegated to the "whenever the hell I get to it" column. Unfortunately, one of these "non-essential activities" is drawing.
The Web Comic Way is to update frequently but this comic is a passion project, it's only right that I keep the activities around it passion-orientated. I've been slowly working on these pages for the past month or so and then became motivated/ inspired to colour it. I think it's important to, at this time, remind anyone who is still reading this that the purpose of the comic is to give me a platform to explore my art and to act as a chronicle of my artistic journey. The whole purpose is to enjoy myself - not just the publishing part but also the creation part. Drawing must not feel like a chore - I have enough chores in my adult dad life. Drawing must be something that I enjoy doing with the few moments of genuine leisure time I have. I could be doing anything with that time: Playing games; playing with my son; spending time with my wife. Of all things available for me to do, I choose drawing - so why make it a miserable and frustrating experience?
I want to end each session with a feeling of "Yeah - that was a really nice time. I enjoyed this time very much." That's what matters to me because then I create something I look back at with fondness joy.