Chapter 5: Unstoppable Force (Page 7)
I originally released this page in inks only to keep the story moving forward and then coloured it when I was inspired or motivated to do it. I'm keeping my excitement of telling the story alive and want to focus on that, rather than "pushing content" and "doing it for the likes". When I previously released pages in black and white, it was motivated by the wrong reason. It was motivated by trying to meet an imaginary web comic deadline or getting pages out faster. The motivation now is a lot more healthy. I have always loved inked pages for comics and the ink quality was not there. It used to frustrate me more than it did make me feel accomplishment. My inking has come a long way and so has my process. I am loving the progress.
The most important thing, in all of this, is that I must have fun. Every part of this must be fun - from the sketching, to inking, to colouring, lettering and publishing. It's important that I remember that.