Chapter 5: Unstoppable Force (Page 4)
The challenge with the comic, for me, was: Where to from Mass Effect 3 without disregarding Mass Effect 3? I wanted to capture the impact that all three games had on me and how I wanted to continue their story but it's really hard to move from Mass Effect 3. What threat could someone possibly make that would hold a candle to the Existential Extinction Level Event that is the Reapers, without nerfing the threat that is the Reapers? Enter the Indoctrination Theory. I just borrowed from this idea and used it as a building block to be able to continue the story.
Now, I know a member of the writing team that worked on Mass Effect 3 confirmed that the Indoctrination Theory was not their intention and they didn't write that. That doesn't stop fans and creators of fanfic from leveraging off of it anyway. This isn't an debate and argument session about whether it's real or not, true or not or plausible or not. This is the artistic direction I've chosen and I'm excited about it.
"By all means, make mods and write fanfic about it, and enjoy whatever floats your boat, because it's a cool way to interpret the game. But it wasn't our intention. We didn't write that"
- Chris Helper, writer of Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3