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Chapter 5: Unstoppable Force (Page 3)


I've reworked the writing of this chapter a lot. The original writing had a very "Joss Whedon" everybody has a chirp tone to it and I came to not like that. It's a criticism that I had of Mass Effect Andromeda that it was too lighthearted and couldn't get the balance of the tone right. By everyone being a smartarse, I couldn't take anything seriously (since they didn't take anything seriously) so I didn't appreciate the gravity of the danger.


Chapter 4 is where I introduced the an original storyline instead of retelling the storyline of the original trilogy and Chapter 5 is picking up from there. The challenging part, apart from "Where do I go from the Mass Effect 3 ending" was to commit to the decisions and outcomes made from my original playthrough. I made some decisions that...didn't pan out too well and one of them was that I didn't act fast enough when the Collectors attacked and I lost half my Normandy crew - yes, even poor Kelly and Gabby. I also didn't have loyalty of one crew mate because I didn't have the paragon/ renegade points to resolve the conflict without losing a loyalty. The benefit, though, is that I get to work in another original insert to make up for the difference and have a pretty fun direction to go with the story. Mass Effect is about tragedies, man. Gotta have those sad sads.


One thing I am retrospectively adding, here, is the DLC for The Arrival. In my original playthrough, I didn't have the DLC and only played it when I got the Legendary Edition. I'm inserting my first playthrough for The Arrival in this storyline, hence the war crime.



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